
Friday, March 11, 2011

Share the {Look What I Made!} Love

It's Friday! 
That means it's time for our Share the Love link-up party here at My Domestic Design! 

There are a lot of people out there (YOU!) making things all the time, so show it off! Link up with anything that you made. Socks, a poem, a lego castle, a hat, a painting, a remodel job, your lunch... It doesn't have to be a big project. It also doesn't have to be a completed project. It's okay to share something that you are currently working on (because I, too, have my sewing pile, my craft pile, and my big fat pile of ideas that I'll get to one of these days). You can link up with a new post, or link to a previous post that you put up during the week. Just be sure you are sharing something you made!
  • Link up with the URL from your post
  • View and comment on two other projects you see listed
  • Copy the button code below and put it on your post (or somewhere on your blog)


I will also be selecting one of your linked up projects to feature on my blog for next week, so make it real good!


  1. Oh man I forgot! I totally was going to do something. I guess I will have to do it next week. Sorry!

  2. Can I share more than one thing? I've been busy this week!



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